Recovery Warriors serves the Athens-Clark County and surrounding areas including, Madison, Oglethorpe, Oconee, Walton, Barrow, and Jackson counties.

Recovery warriors serve those who have been impacted by the opioid crisis epidemic, including mental health, and substance misuse challenges. We believe in the inclusivity of our community and those we serve (Veterans, dually diagnosed, lgbqt+, recovery) We believe that everyone has the right to recovery and aim to reduce stigma and empower individuals through whole health and wellness which includes fitness and art!

Recovery Warriors’ mission is to create community through whole wellness including fitness and art!

The Recovery Warrior Mindset is that we can all train as equals, leave all our challenges on the mat, and canvas, and work together to create an active sober community in Athens, Georgia!

Weightlifting Group

Recovery Resonance

Community Events

Warrior Kickboxing

Treatment Center Program

Art Programs